Will this movie be on screen in Malaysia?


Happy Halloween! Should have post this yesterday but was busy with my study, so here’s a compensation for all horror movie freaks out there!

What I like about the movie ‘Saw’ is that they have a lot of creative ideas on how to scare the shit out of us with those insane ideas on how to torture people. Yummy :twisted: Will you watch this movie if there’s a chance to be on screen in Malaysia?[tags]Saw IV, Halloween, horror[/tags]

Results Released!

Life Rants

Woohoo~ Received my results earlier this morning, although it’s not that good but still I achieved my target! Below is my results:

Introduction To Accounting – C+
Hubungan Etnik – A-
Microeconomics – B+
Business Information of Technology Application – B
Business Statistics – C+
English – B+

CGPA – 3 out of 4

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What I’ve done~

Life Rants, Wordpress

If you have paid attention to my blog sidebar, then you will noticed that my blog’s sidebar widgets has disappeared, only left are the original sidebar widgets which were created by the theme author. Anyone knows how to fix it? I went to the plugin page but couldn’t move the items below back to top… Help me~

Oh btw, one of my reader has sent me an email saying that my blog has too many football posts & it makes him feel boring, luckily I still write something interesting in my life or else he won’t come back to my blog. Well, while I like soccer but still “content is the king” & it is the most important factor that will keep attracting readers to my blog, so tell me: Will you still read my blog if I keep posting football articles? Do tell me frankly & maybe I will adjust a lil bit…

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Dear TM Net

Life Rants

Can anyone please tell me what went wrong with Streamyx? It’s not about the speed but lack of consistence. The connection here get disconnected on & off for the whole day, I ‘m getting pissed off by this since I need to online to do my homework. Dear TM Net, why you did this to me ~

‘E’ for Edward

Tips & Tricks, Wordpress

Can you see a letter E image beside my URL (Circled in Red)? It’s a favorite icon, or better known as “favicon”. As soon as you have uploaded favicon to your blog, it will appear beside your site’s name in the favorites list, before the URL in the address bar, as a bookmarked website on the desktop, in the “Links” bar and on the windows taskbar.

:arrow: Why Should I use Favicon?
Easy, to let your blog stands out amongst the other with a small, nice image as your blog’s unique icon.

:arrow: Sounds cool! But I don’t know how to upload a Favicon, can you please teach me?
Sure! All you need to do is click here & you will be brought to a place where you can download the plugin, upload it & insert the picture address. Done!

Note: IE may not work properly to see your favicon, so it’s better to have a view of it using Firefox

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